Tuesday 31 May 2011

Dear Mathematics

Dear Mathematics,
I have searced tirelessly for your eX and most of the time after all my searching you then ask me for whY, like you didn't ask me to find your eX in the first place. Then you need to stop asking me the weird questions you know I have no answer to, questions like  what is your eX? how many metres is your eX from a specific point? How tall is your eX? etc
How do you expect me to know these answers, I don't know if your eX was a guy, girl, animal, brunette, blonde or redhead. I don't know where your ex is and i can't find her (or him) if you give me reference ponits called A, B, C or Y and Z. I can't know how tall she is or what year she was born or any of the other questions you ask me to solve for you.
I hope you understand, I don't mean you any ill will and I hope you find your eX, but one thing I learnt from my own eX is that eX is never equal to peace.

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